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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mountain Home, Idaho Day 2

I took the truck into a local Ford dealer just down the street from the RV park.  Our service maintenance plan covered the oil change and tire rotation so it was nice to get this done and not have to pay anything for it.

Later we went to Bruneau Dunes State Park to look at the dunes but the light and season precluded anything of interest there.  We did see a Black-tailed Jackrabbit but it was moving way too fast to photograph.  Taking another route back to Mountain Home we came across a small flock of American White Pelicans in breeding plumage in the Snake River.  Note the bill crest that the males get during breeding season.

Heading home we took a side road to look for Pronghorns and Laura spotted a small herd high on a ridge.  We went down an adjacent gravel road- so much for the nice truck wash that the Ford dealership did this morning- and found more Pronghorns even closer to the road.  An interesting note is that Pronghorns are the fastest land animal in North America!

We're off to Pendleton, Oregon tomorrow barring any major snows in the high portion of the trip.  The temperatures in Pendleton are supposed to be around 20C so that will be nice!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got the Pronghorns Gord... not a particularly fantastic day photography wise but you got them... good on ya. Se you in Ore.
