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Friday, August 19, 2011


OK, I know...a bit of water has flowed under the bridge(s) since we were in Barkerville!

Yesterday we left the Hazeltons for Smithers for a 'Utility' day.  We had the truck serviced which makes us feel like full-timers as the last service was done in Mountain Home, Idaho!  We also did our grocery shopping and a trip to Canadian Tire.  A nice Bakery in Smithers- Paul's- had some Dutch-style cinnamon bread.  Wow!  It is like having a cinnamon bun loaf!  Perhaps we should stop for another one on our way out of town this morning.

The day did give me an opportunity to catch up a bit on my editing too.  Hence, back to Barkerville.

I've always enjoyed visiting Barkerville.  Like Fort Steele in the Kootenays it is a restored town with period actors running the show.  It is an historic BC site so as such it is very tastefully done and not at all what you would call a tourist trap.  It is more of an immersed history lesson with some humour thrown in.

The Stables

Don't forget to walk behind the buildings!

Many of the buildings are open for you to explore.

Workers can bring their children to work but only if they play their part as well!

Panning was the main way to get the gold out but underground work was also done.  Through the use of this waterwheel, which drove a pump to keep the pit dry, and a sluice box a lot of gold became available from the ancient riverbed located 20 meters under the present riverbed.

We're heading east, then south today on a round-about route which may take us down into the lower 48.  From Alaska to Washington!  We should be back in the Cariboo today, tonight may be our last internet for awhile as we'll be dry camping at Green Lake for a few days.

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