It's raining today but we still managed to get to the bears and had another sucessful shoot! I've got about 20 gigs of Grizzlies so I guess it'll take some time to go through them all, lol.
We stopped and took some pictures of Hyder on our way out and visited some of the shops. There are some interesting characters living way out here but it's fun talking to them!

What do you think of the downtown core? It's funny, when we went to Waterton National Park in Alberta and took the tour boat down to Glacier National Park in Montana we had to go through US customs. As we arrived on a boat, albeit a tour boat, we even were required to carry a passport. Even though no one lived in this part of Montana and there was no way you could walk to anywhere from the US end of the lake there was US customs. In Hyder- nothing, you just drive through the border. Coming back into Canada however you must go through customs. This point of entry is even open 24 hours despite the fact that no one would travel through here at night. I asked them why this was so and was told that it's because Alaska has no requirements to carry any type of permits for firearms and that their main job was to keep US firearms out of Canada.
Perhaps I should have rephrased my answer when they asked why we were in the US and I told them to shoot the bears...
Ah, the bears! What fun we're having with those! Here's a few more for you...
The other day we drove up to Salmon Glacier with Robyn's friend Shannon and shot a few pics.
The alpine area up there is quite pretty as well.
There were some flowers still so now I have some new ones! I'll have to ID this one later.
This is a snow cone near the Bear Glacier. We passed it on the way in and Shannon got a nice shot of it but I couldn't really stop because we had the trailer on. We went back the next day and when I compare my shot to hers you can see why the sign on the highway says 'Avalanche Zone- Year Long' . There had been an avalanche between her shot and mine and you can see the differences quite easily. We were not supposed to stop but this shot was worth it.
The light was bad, I was shooting into the sun- again. I'm hoping the light will be better in the morning when we drive out but the weather has now turned so we'll see.