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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Back in Nanaimo...

We left Bellevue in the rain and despite a major detour which, though well marked proved a bit of a chore when you're pulling a trailer.  Once back on the freeway we headed north but did stop at a store to stock up on cheese and butter.  These items are cheap in comparison to what we pay in Canada and besides, we really like Tillamook cheese and butter!

Next stop- the border.  All our paperwork sorted out, passports ready, all non-allowed foods disposed of- we were prepared for the possible though dreaded inspection.  We get through to the booth in short order, hand over the passports and get asked Where did you go?  How long were you gone?  Any goods to declare?  Thank you, have a nice day and were back in Canada.  About this time you regret not trying to hide a couple extra bottles in the RV!

Driving through Surrey to Laura's Moms place we encounter the worst traffic of the trip.  It took longer to get onto the freeway and drive only to the next exit than it took to drive all the way through Boise despite the fact that they also are rebuilding the freeway!

After an all-too-short visit with Laura's Mom and Cory who came out to see us there we head back to the dreaded freeway. The Duke Point ferry has its last sailing at 5:45 pm on Saturdays so we had to go out to Horseshoe Bay.  More bumper-to-bumper traffic to go from 152nd to the Port Mann Bridge and then a smooth run out to the ferry terminal.

Waiting in a ferry line up with an RV is a much more pleasant experience than in a car.  We had an hour and a half to kill so we poured ourselves a drink and put our feet up in comfort.

As the ferry headed out of the terminal we literally sailed into the sunset on our final leg of our trip.  6400 KMs  at an average 21 L/100KMs.   This is slightly better than I expected and even better when you factor in the loss of milage due to the ethanol fuel that the US government has sucked the American people into believing that it is a greener choice that reduces American dependancy on foreign oil.  They put up to 10% Ethanol in their fuel and I consistently find that you get 10% less milage on that fuel.  Hmmmm.... seems to me that if I have to burn 10% more fuel to get anywhere on it I am burning the same amount of foreign oil anyway and polluting just as much.  More likely some big corporation is getting rich by producing ethanol for fuel...

This is me getting off my soapbox now...

So now we're back home.  We have a trailer to unpack, clean and a yard that needs some attention.  Oh, and I have a few gigabytes of pictures to edit....

Time to start planning the next big adventure!  Thanks for following along and note that I'll still be posting to my blog but probably more on a weekly basis.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you had a visit with the Mom and kidlet.. and I like how you wait for the ferry!!!!
    Nice to hear you are home and safe and sound for the most part.
    Great trip and will definitely follow the next one with great delight too.
    Thanks for a great blog Gord.
